Packing list

We will check whether you brought you passport of ID card when you enter the bus. Without your passport or ID card you are not allowed to enter the bus and thus you cannot participate in the BUCOM.

During the trip, you are responsible for transporting you luggage (outside of the bus rides). We will move to different hostels throughout the trip, so make sure that you can repack your items and are able to move them yourselves. Keep this in mind when packing your luggage. 

Make sure you have a way to keep all your essentials close to you during the drip. For example, think about bringing a small, portable backpack or a travel wallet.  

Mandatory Items
  • Passport (non-EU) or ID card. DRIVERS LICENSE IS NOT SUFFICIENT.
  • Health insurance card
  • Student card
  • Debit- or Creditcard
General packing
  • Enough clothes for Wednesday till Sunday (think about the weather conditions)
  • Sunglasses + sunscreen
  • Rain jacket (and pants and/or an umbrella if you like)
  • Pyjamas
  • Dinner for the first evening (we will stop at a gas station, but it might be nice to bring your own)
  • Powerbank + charger
  • Headphones / earplugs
  • Games or something else to do during the busdrive
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Showering items (flipflop might be nice)
  • Deodorant (please)
  • Medication
  • Glasses / contacts
  • Hairbrush
  • Swimming clothes (add this is we want to do water stuff oid)
  • Towels --> should check wheter hostels provide these
  • --> if we go canoeing, towels are necessary anyways in case people capsize.
  • Go over this again when the trip is almost starting, so more weather dependent items can be brought. Send text in the group chat for this.

What to consider:


A couple days before the BUCOM check the weather of the places we're heading to in order to pack appropriately for the weather!


Make sure you're not forgetting essentials such as your phone, wallet and most importantly a valid European ID or passport


During the trip you will have to carry your luggage to and from the bus, so make sure you are able to carry everything.